A New Era Of DeFi - Syncus

Syncus DAO is a treasury-backed protocol built for longevity and user empowerment.
Total SYNC Staked
Total SYNC Staked
Treasury Balance
Treasury Balance
Total Value Locked
Total Value Locked
Current APY
Current APY

How to Participate

By staking your SYNC tokens, you are directly supporting Syncus's operational efficiency.

Your commitment helps to stabilise the token's market presence and, in return, you receive periodic rewards based on the amount you stake.
Bonding is a strategic investment that strengthens the Syncus treasury. By trading your assets for SYNC at a discounted rate, you are providing the treasury with valuable resources.

These resources are then used to generate yield and maintain the protocol's liquidity, ensuring its ongoing stability and success. As a bond investor, you play a crucial part in the protocol’s financial foundation, securing a share in the ecosystem's potential upside.